“MASA believes that an experience is twice as valuable when shared with others and it is even more valuable if used not only for one’s own self but for the betterment of others. Therefore, MASA aims at uniting all the U.S. Government alumni of Mongolia as well as all other Mongolian graduates of U.S. universities in using what they have learned for building a democratic society where everyone has equal opportunity to contribute. And we invite you to join us and be an Ambassador for Development.”
Qualifications for Membership
A.Membership in the Association shall be voluntary; it is open to any person who is or was a participant, recipient, grantee, or beneficiary of any exchanges or scholarship/fellowship programs operated under the auspices of the United States Government.
B.The members are entitled to belong to one or more of the following membership categories:
- Regular member: any person who shall have completed or shall have been awarded and participated in any U.S. Government-funded scholarship and exchange programs and whose membership is approved by the Association’s Board.
- Non-regular members are divided into the following sub-categories:
- Associate Member - any person who is an alumnus/a of any U.S. university or college and who supports the mission and goals of the Association and whose membership is approved by the Association’s Board.
- A Corporate/Organization Member - Any business or legal entity that accept and support the Aims of the Association and assist the Association financially or in any other way and whose membership is approved by the Association’s Board. Affiliate members cannot partake in the administration and management of the Association and are not entitled to vote.
- Honorary Member - Any person who has contributed to the advancement and promotion of the Association and the educational and cultural relationship between Mongolia and the United States and whose membership is approved by the Association’s Board. Honorary members shall be appointed by the Board.
Membership Procedures
- Every Person or organization desiring to become a Regular or Non-regular member of the association shall complete in writing an application form provided by the Board and supply such other information as may be required by the Board. Applicants shall transfer the registration fee to the Khugjliin Elch Kholboo account (MNT 5000370861; USD 5000370863) at the Khas Bank. If you have any questions, send an email to masa.mongolia@gmail.com
- Membership applications shall be considered by the Board, which shall have full discretion for the approval and dismissal of any membership application. The Board shall advise the applicant of its decision within one month from the receipt of the application.
Membership Benefits
Membership of the MASA provides:
- A positive means for alumni to “give back” to the community and the U.S.G. funded scholar/fellowship and exchange programs; contribute to the ongoing enrichment and support of current grantees and to continue their own professional and personal growth.
- Access to a strong network of U.S.G. scholarship and exchanges alumni.
- Invitations to events and activities that connect to a strong network of international educational exchange programs alumni.
- Opportunity to meet and connect with current grantees.
Rights of Members
Every person who has paid his annual dues shall be deemed to be a member in good standing. Members in good standing shall have the following rights:
- To exercise the right to vote on all matters relating to the affairs of the Association.
- To propose amendments and resolutions and to vote on those presented at the Association’s Meetings.
- To be eligible for any office of the Association.
- To participate in all deliberations or meetings of the Association.
- To obtain the benefit of the facilities of the Association.
- To examine all records and books of account of the Association during business hours.
- To receive publications of the Association
Duties and Responsibilities of the Members
All Members and Officers shall promote the objects and purposes of the Association and shall do nothing to bring the Association into disrepute. All Members shall at all times act in compliance with the Association’s Charter and have the following duties and responsibilities:
- To obey and comply with the charter, rules, and regulations that may be promulgated by the Association from time to time;
- To attend meetings of the Association and participate fully in all activities;
- To pay promptly all fees, dues, and other assessments required by the Association;
- Every member shall give to the Alumni Coordinator and the Association’s Secretary an appropriate up-to-date address, telephone number, and e-mail. Where each member may be contacted and any member changing his address shall forthwith notify the Alumni Coordinator and the Secretary in writing of such change of address.
Registration and Membership Fees:
- As of 2022 the MASA Board has decided to cancel registration and membership fees for this year. Until the Board decides to resume fee payments, membership and registration fees are not required in 2022.
- If you have paid fees in 2022 in regards to registration or membership, you may be reimbursed. Please contact 70174414 or email us at masa.mongolia@gmail.com